Jobs, Growth and Social inclusion

Econom2ic Ltd.

Manufacturing company creating affordable and sustainable homes for the UK. Using traditional timber frames in modular form to be clad in a suitable way sympathetic to the environment and location. Our aim is to be able to train a workforce based in a rural location for production and shipment to builders throughout the UK. The growth market in the UK building sector for the future will be affordable homes for the young. Inexpensive eco-timber frame modular buildings are a way forward for the construction industry to rapidly fill the ever growing gap in affordable housing.

Latest News

An £11.27bn investment in construction and a series of strategic decisions around new home building can kick start the UK’s economic recovery and deliver a £33bn return for the Gover

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Analysis by the Local Government Association shows that 2,564,600 units have been granted planning permission by councils since 2009/10 while only 1,530,680 have been completed. The association sai

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This has been a great week for the “Get Britain Building Campaign” with the Government setting out a number of initiatives to ensure we build the homes we need for the future.  The

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