Jobs, Growth and Social inclusion


Infrastructure projectsIn a global economy investors look for confidence, security and long term vision. The UK must attract inward investment to renew our manufacturing capacity and reduce our future reliance on imported construction products and materials. This is essential if we are to create the wealth to secure long term sustainable growth.

Through the creation of 30 year strategic local growth plans, the vision for any specific regions will be better understood. This will help to rebalance the economy, attract young people into the construction industry and will also encourage employers to invest in their employees and their business.
  • Ensure small as well as large plots of public land are released in local plans
  • Increase Government capital spending over the five year period to 2020 to help ensure we have world leading schools, hospitals, roads and railways
  • Create a UK business environment where manufacturers of construction materials and products want to invest
  • Invest in low carbon energy infrastructure to “Green the Grid” and ensure the long term energy security and economic competiveness of UK PLC

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