Jobs, Growth and Social inclusion

Big Builders B Ltd

So what is ? Simply put its the best place online to find local recommended Tradesmen ! Tradesmen why sign up ? This is the most economical and user driven site of its kind ! We do Not charge Commissions on the jobs you get through this site, the job leads are FREE, there are no hidden costs anywhere, its just £10 a month VAT. And, you can cancel your membership at any time - should you want to ! We actively market you online as an individual or company. Marketing campaigns are created for each tradesman that signs up highlighting their trades and area of work. This brings potential clients to the site from YOUR local area.

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PRESS INFORMATION                 Release date: 17 June 2024  “Get Britain Building” to drive economic growth A

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An £11.27bn investment in construction and a series of strategic decisions around new home building can kick start the UK’s economic recovery and deliver a £33bn return for the Gover

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Analysis by the Local Government Association shows that 2,564,600 units have been granted planning permission by councils since 2009/10 while only 1,530,680 have been completed. The association sai

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